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Our Network

Peace Circle™ is part of a dynamic global network committed to fostering peace, environmental stewardship, and cultural understanding. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, we extend our reach and amplify our impact across the world.

Plant And Care For Peace Network

At the heart of our initiative is the Plant And Care For Peace network, a global movement dedicated to promoting peace and environmental sustainability. This network, founded on the belief that environmental action is essential to building peace, provides the foundational support for the development of Peace Circle™ parks. By integrating peacebuilding efforts with environmental care, the network helps communities around the world reconnect with nature and each other.


Through our collaboration with TreebuddyEarth, we ensure that each Peace Circle™ park is represented on the global map, symbolizing our commitment to environmental action and global unity. This partnership makes every Peace Circle™ more than just a physical space—it becomes a recognized part of a worldwide movement, visible and accessible to communities everywhere.

Global and Local Partners

Peace Circle™ thrives on the strength of both global and local partnerships. We work closely with local governments, NGOs, schools, and community organizations to adapt the Peace Circle™ model to the unique needs and cultures of each location. These collaborations ensure that each park reflects the values and aspirations of its community while contributing to the global network’s mission.

Our Impact

As our network grows, so does our impact. Peace Circles™ are not just parks; they are living symbols of our commitment to peace, environmental stewardship, and cultural exchange. By connecting people to nature and each other, we aim to inspire a new generation of environmental leaders and peacemakers.

Join Us

We invite you to become part of our global network, whether by supporting the creation of a new Peace Circle™ park, partnering with us on environmental and peacebuilding projects, or participating in our tree planting initiatives as part of the Plant And Care For Peace movement. Each tree planted symbolizes a commitment to peace and sustainability, contributing to a healthier planet and a more harmonious world.

Visit one of our parks, engage with your community, and help us expand this global network of peace and environmental stewardship. Together, we can build a future where peace and nature thrive hand in hand.

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